In Instagram

How To Download All Your Instagram Photos and Videos Easily

Instagram is the most popular platform to share photos. Everyday lots of photos and videos are shared by everyone. Since there is no option to download photos and videos in Instagram, We can't download our own photos also.

There's a way to download all your photos and videos easily with a click!! Yes,Its possible with online tool called InstaPort. You can choose which photos to download or you can download all. It will download as archive file. Just follow the steps given below.


  • Click here to go to the tool.
  • Enter your Instagram username and click on Continue.

  • It will take some time to load all photos. You can choose photos manually and then click on Download Selected or you can click on Download All Posts to download all.

  • It will take some time to process.

  • When processing is completed, it will redirect you to download page. A .zip will be downloaded!!

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In Facebook

How To Backup All Your Facebook Account Data

Facebook is the largest platform in social networks. Almost everyone in the world uses Facebook to share moments, information, photos, etc. Facebook stores lots of data about us like photos, our custom settings, Messages, posts, notes, pages, videos, events, app data, etc. You can take backup of these all things as archive. It contains your chats, all photos & videos that you have ever uploaded and everything mentioned above.

Facebook has a built in service to do this. It will give you backup of everything in a archive ".zip" file. Everything will be in form of html pages except photos and videos. It will look like Offline Facebook. Follow the steps to backup your Facebook account.

  • Log in to Facebook and go to Setting.

  • Under General Setting Menu, click on "Download a copy of your Facebook data" option at the bottom.

  • In next step, a list will be given under the question What's included?. Click on Start My Archive button.

  • It will ask for the password just for security purpose. Enter your account's password and click on Submit button.

  • It will show a notice saying that it will take some time to create archive. Click on Start My Archive button.

  • Click OK. They will send a mail to your mail account associated with your Facebook account when the task will be done.

  • Open the mail when it arrives. There will be a link that will redirect you to download your data.
  • You must have to login to your Facebook account.
  • Click on Download Archive button.
  • It will ask for password for security. Enter password and click on Submit.

  • Your download will start automatically.

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In Google

How to Backup All Your Google Account's Data with Google Takeout

We generally take backups of almost every important things to be safe from loss. Any import data no matter it is computer files or online account, we want to keep a backup always so that if any problem occurs then we can easily recover by restoring the backup we have taken earlier.

Today, Google accounts are widely used among online services like mail,hangouts,play stores,google calendar, google keep, Blogger, You tube, chrome bookmarks, etc. We have our custom settings and data over these all accounts like bookmarks, posts, contacts, hangout messages, etc. However this data is important to us. If you to take backup of all these stuff associated with your google account then you can easily do it.

Google has a service named Google Takeout to take backup of everything associated with your google account. Takeout is the first product from Google’s Data Liberation Front team. Just follow the steps given below to take backup of your google account.

  • Open Google Takeout by clicking here and log in to your google account.

  • Now, Select the services you want to take backup and click on Next.

  • Choose the format of archive from options. I prefer to select ".zip" as it is ease to open it without any application on most of platforms. Choose the max size for your backup.

  • choose the method how you want to receive your backup. You can select Google drive option as it is best option to keep backup online. I am choosing "Send download link via email" because i want to download it offline.

  • After setting everything, click on Create Archive button.

  •  Now, It will show a note that says that archive takes some time to create. As soon as Archive is created, It will send link through e-mail.

  • As e-mail arrives, click on the Download archive buttons in the mail and it will download your all data in the archive you have selected earlier. It will look like show below. Number of archives depends on the size of your data and max size of archive you have set while taking backup.

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    How To Download Windows Spotlight Wallpapers using Spotbright App

    Windows Spotlight has awesome wallpapers. If we want to use it as desktop background or at any other places we have to download it. I have shared a tutorial on how to download it. But in that tutorial, you can only download the wallpapers those are cached on your laptop/PC. What if we can download other wallpapers those are not cached on your device.

    Yes, it is possible to bulk download spotlight wallpapers.There is a app on Windows store named SpotBright. It is free and can download around 200-300 wallpapers on a single click!!! It also has a option to download portrait versions of the wallpapers so you can use it on your phone also.

    SpotBright Download : Windows Store Link


    • Download the app from the link given above.
    • Open the app.
    • Go to Settings.

    • Click on Picture Search List and select any one option you prefer. I have selected "Landscape Only". If you select "Landscape & Portrait" option then it will search for both landscape and portraits. Check the box of Landscape/Portrait sub folders option if you want to download both. It will make separate folders for both.

    • Go back and click on "Search pictures" button. It will search for images.

    • When searching it finished, you can download all pictures with a single click on download button.
    • After downloading images, click on "Open Download Location" to view downloaded pictures. you can now use them as you want.

    • Enjoy!!!
    Video Guide:

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    In Android Whatsapp

    How To Decrypt Whatsapp Messages From Backup Files On Android

    Whatsapp is most popular messenger app for any smartphones today. Everyone wants to hack it but its not that easy because Whatsapp uses encryption. It stores backup of messages into your smartphone in encrypted form. Whatsapp encrypts all data into .cryptX format where X can be 5/7/8/12. Whenever Whatsapp encrypts data, it uses a key for encryption. It stores the key into your smartphone. In order to decrypt these messages, we will need that key. This trick works for android phones only!!


    • Rooted Android phone: Your phone must be rooted in order to get the key file. To root your device, search on google!!!
    • A PC/laptop
    • Whatsapp Viewer : It is a tool used to decrypt and view whatsapp messages.
    • Here, I am using Nox Android Emulator to demonstrate instead of an real android device but all steps are same for both.
    • To decrypt ".crypt5" file, you will need your google account linked to your android device.
    *how to take backup of whatsapp message:
    • Open Whatsapp on your phone.
    • Go to Setting>Chats>Backup Chat and click on "Backup" button.

    • Now, Go to Solid Explorer (you can also go to your favourite explorer if it supports root access).
    • Go to Root>data>data>com.whatsapp.

    • Now, go to Files folder. There will be a file named "key".This is the file where encryption key is stored.
    • Copy this file to your phone's sd card or internal storage. I am storing it in internal storage>downloads.

    • Now, Whatsapp database is located in internal storage>Whatsapp>database or sdcard>Whatsapp>Database.

    • Now, connect your phone to your PC and copy that Database folder  and that key file to your PC.
    • Now Open Database folder to check which encryption method is used. To do that look at the extension of the files. Here it is ".crypt12".

    • Now, Open Whatsapp Viewer and go to file>Decrypt .crypt12...(choose according to your encryption extension).

    • It will ask for database file and key on "..." button at the end of the database file box.

    • It will open a menu to choose the file. browse to database folder copied from your phone and select the file with big in size as main file "msgstore.db.crypt12" ( or you can choose any file) and click on OK button.

    • Now click on the "..." button at the end of the key file box.

    • Browse to the key file copied from your phone and select it and click OK.

    • Now Click on OK to decrypt the file.

    • When decryption is completed, it will show the message "Database decrypted to file msgstore.decrypted.db" as shown below. Click OK.

    • A file will be created named "msgstore.decrypted.db" where you have stored your database folder or your key file. That file contains your Whatsapp messages in decrypted form.

    • To view messages, open Whatsapp viewer again and go to FIle>Open.

    • Click on "..." button at the end of file box.

    • Browse through the location where your msgstore.decrypted.db file is. Select the file and click OK.

    • Now, Click OK to view.

    • In the left panel, it will show the chats in the form of mobile numbers. Select any mobile number to show the chat messages at right panel.

    • At the bottom of the right panel, 3 options are given if you want to export your chat in form of ".txt/.html/.json" files.
    • Enjoy!!!
    Video Guide:

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    In Windows

    How to create custom Hotkey for your favorite software program, file or folder

    Keyboard shortcuts to open a file or folder or a specific software is called Hotkeys. Hotkeys save time and effort. It is used to perform task quickly. Windows has various predefined hotkeys for various applications but what if you want to assign your custom hotkey to your favourite application, file or folder?

    Well, Windows has the feature that you can your custom hotkey for your favourite application, file or folder. You can assign your custom hotkey in two ways:

    1. By using any of Function key.
    2. By using combination of Ctrl + Alt/Shift + (any other key).
    The problem with first method is that the function keys are already assigned to some applications/functions so you may not want to replace that.

    You can use second method efficiently but there is also some hotkeys already assigned like "Ctrl + C to copy","Ctrl + S to save", etc. You should not want to replace these hotkeys. 

    So, best way to use is Ctrl + Alt + (key). Because there is less chances of conflict in this combination. One thing to keep in mind is that you can only assign hotkeys to shortcuts of application, file or folder. You must need a shortcut of your favourite application, file or folder to assign a hotkey. Follow the steps given below to assign your custom hotkey to your favourite application, file or folder.

    Steps To Assign A Hotkey To An Application:
    • Fortunately, you don't need to create shortcuts for applications available in Start Menu.
    • So, open Start Menu.
    • Right click on the application you want to assign hotkey for, and go to More>Open file location.Now right click on application shortcut and go to Properties.(Windows 7 users, go to Start Menu and right click on application and go to Properties.)

    • In properties dialog box, select “Shortcut key” text box.
    • Enter the key you want to assign and windows will automatically add Ctrl+Alt in beginning.

    • Click OK and boom!!! Your hotkey is assigned to your favourite application. You access them by pressing your hotkey. :)
    Steps To Assign A Hotkey To A File/Folder:
    • As you can assign hotkey only to shortcuts, you must need to create a shortcut for your file/folder.
    • To do that, One way is right click on your file/folder and go to Send>Desktop(Create Shortcut). It will created a shortcut to your desktop. Second way is right click on your file/folder and select Create Shortcut option. It will create a shortcut in the same directory where your file/folder is.

    • Now, right click on the shortcut and go to properties. 
    • In properties dialog box, select “Shortcut key” text box.
    • Enter the key you want to assign and windows will automatically add Ctrl+Alt in beginning.

    • Click OK and boom!!! Your hotkey is assigned to your favourite file/folder.
    Note: You must not delete the shortcut you have created otherwise the hotkey will not work.

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