In Facebook

How To Backup All Your Facebook Account Data

Facebook is the largest platform in social networks. Almost everyone in the world uses Facebook to share moments, information, photos, etc. Facebook stores lots of data about us like photos, our custom settings, Messages, posts, notes, pages, videos, events, app data, etc. You can take backup of these all things as archive. It contains your chats, all photos & videos that you have ever uploaded and everything mentioned above.

Facebook has a built in service to do this. It will give you backup of everything in a archive ".zip" file. Everything will be in form of html pages except photos and videos. It will look like Offline Facebook. Follow the steps to backup your Facebook account.

  • Log in to Facebook and go to Setting.

  • Under General Setting Menu, click on "Download a copy of your Facebook data" option at the bottom.

  • In next step, a list will be given under the question What's included?. Click on Start My Archive button.

  • It will ask for the password just for security purpose. Enter your account's password and click on Submit button.

  • It will show a notice saying that it will take some time to create archive. Click on Start My Archive button.

  • Click OK. They will send a mail to your mail account associated with your Facebook account when the task will be done.

  • Open the mail when it arrives. There will be a link that will redirect you to download your data.
  • You must have to login to your Facebook account.
  • Click on Download Archive button.
  • It will ask for password for security. Enter password and click on Submit.

  • Your download will start automatically.

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